At Home with Alicia Kapel

Alicia, we absolutely love the hues you've incorporated throughout your home. What was your journey in getting to this aesthetic?
People have always asked "do you own any colour' and still to this day I answer the same. haha. I guess I am a neutral hues fan through and through. I find it never dates and it's always on trend. It's so easy to maintain and stay fresh, light and modern looking. Add a few decor elements to follow the seasons but with a neutral aesthetics canvas it will stay consistent throughout the seasons.
Has this always been your style or have you had some form of transition from other styles in the past?
oh yes, I have always loved a minimal space, but with that it's had its challenges to create a home that is still very much within those minimal designs and elements whilst still creating the space into a 'lived in home' for my family. I think it has a pretty good balance these days, especially with a child! haha. probably more cluttered than I would ideally love, but it's home and we love it!
You also have a beautiful toddler, Amara, how do you balance keeping a certain style to your home while also making it child-friendly?
Thank you. Ohh what a great question, let me know when someone knows the answer to that! haha! Look, it's an ongoing battle that I think any parent would agree with, but I do very much appreciate a lovely textured straw or natural fibre basket or 10 to hide those colorful toys haha! I think Amara has grown up learning not to pull on anything and thankfully we haven't had any breakable items smash yet, but I do try to keep those vessels, vases, candles ect out of reach. I have a few shelves in my home where I place my dearest decor items! so far so good...
And lastly, if you could choose 3 favourite staple pieces when it comes to styling, what are they? (i.e cushions, throw blankets, vases, arts and print etc.)
Ok only 3, let me think ... well I would have to say a good vase or vessel - especially a Paola and Joy one! I'd also say a large round mirror and an art piece!
Featuring the Loren Vase
You can get to know Alicia more by heading to her Instagram or by contacting her at